Call for Papers!

SPIES 2025 focuses on Smart Power & Internet Energy Systems in real engineering and scientific problems. Prospective authors are invited to submit papers on relevant topics and applications including, but not limited to:

Track 1: DC power transmission and DC power grid

Track 2: Modeling and stability analysis of renewable energy system

Track 3: Modeling and control of distributed energy sources

Track 4: Design and control for electrical machines and drives

Track 5: Power electronic device and its reliability

Track 6: Topology and control of power converters

Track 7: Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) technology

Track 8: Electrified transportation technology and applications

Track 9: Energy storage technology and system

Track 10: Optimization and control of cyber-physical energy system

Track 11: Electricity demand and marketing

Track 12: Optimal management and control of smart grid

Track 13: Fault diagnosis and protection of power system

Track 14: Energy internet and cyber resilience

Track15: Forecasting of renewable energy and power demand

Track 16: High-voltage and insulation technology

Track 17: Modern power system: stability and control

Track 18: Artificial intelligence in power systems

Track 19: Power system planning and evaluation

Track 20: Low and near-zero carbon emission technology

Other topics


Submission Method


Electronic Submission System (PDF).

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