The accepted and presented papers of the 2020 2nd International Conference on Smart Power & Internet Energy Systems (SPIES2020) will be published in conference proceedings to be archived into IEEE Xplore® Digital Library, indexed by Ei Compendex, Scopus, INSPEC, Thomson Reuters’ Web of Science, and others.
Special Issues and Section:
Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews (Impact Factor – 10.556,
Print ISSN - SSN: 1364-0321) Top 15% papers in the area of renewable
and sustainable energy will be recommended by the Conference
Technical Committee for a special section from this Elsevier
Flagship Journal. The extended version of the recommended papers
will be peer-reviewed by the Journal’s Guest Editorial panel.
2. IET Renewable Power Generation (Impact Factor - 3.605, Print ISSN - 1752-1416): Selected papers in the area of renewable energy will be recommended by Conference Technical Committee for a special issue from this IET Flagship Journal. The extended version of the recommended papers will be peer-reviewed by the Journal’s Guest Editorial panel.
3. IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution (Impact Factor - 3.229, Print ISSN - 1751-8687): Selected papers in the area of power system and smart grid will be recommended by Conference Technical Committee for a special issue from this IET Flagship Journal. The extended version of the recommended papers will be peer-reviewed by the Journal’s Guest Editorial panel.
4. Frontiers
in Energy Research, The journal is indexed in Scopus
(Citescore 3.35) and Web of Science (SCIE, Impact Factor
coming in 2020), ISSN: 2296-598X, submissions of
extended version of papers to the special issue will be
peer-reviewed and benefit of a 30% discount on
publication cost. Only recommended papers by Conference
Technical Committee can be submitted to this special
issue after the conference is over.
Review Process:
The peer-reviewing is a critical process for scientific paper publication. The reviewers are responsible to ensure the scientific equality, verification and high standard.
Electronic Submission System (PDF).
Full paper format (Click)